Design X Social




Design x social



Design x social


Organized by:

In Partnership with:

Built on UMO Design Foundation’s philosophy – “Good design for better living’, DXS24 – Design X Social Global Innovation Challenge aims to create a positive impact on the society by identifying and addressing global social, economic and environmental issues with design. Design X Social has been one of UMO Design Foundation’s core events.

The Theme

Design + AI For Social Good

Participants can submit their concepts and ideas under the following verticals.  

To be revealed on the 8th of July


Can AI + Design create innovative tools to improve patient care and streamline medical processes? Explore how AI can assist in early diagnosis, personalized treatments, and better health outcomes.


How can AI + Design revolutionize farming practices to increase crop yields and ensure sustainable agriculture? Imagine AI-driven solutions that enhance precision farming and reduce resource wastage. 


How can AI + Design transform traditional learning methods to provide personalized education for every student? Consider AI-powered platforms that adapt to individual learning styles and improve educational accessibility.

Who is it for

DesignX Social 24 invites participants from every domain, irrespective of their professional or educational background. If you are passionate about bringing social change or helping communities through AI and Design, we invite you to apply. 


Students participating in DesignX Social would ensure that future designers are equipped to create innovative solutions that benefit communities.

Non-Design Institutes 

Non-Design Institutes, Engineering Colleges, Business Schools, Technical Colleges, Arts Colleges, Commerce Colleges, and Open Universities, etc.

Do you have an idea or a concept that you feel will help society through the power of AI. You can nominate your teams under this category.    

How Can You Participate

Design X Social invites colleges to register their teams for the contest. Registration through college administration ensures fairness, increasing the challenge for everyone involved. Students keen on participating should convince their college to sign a competition MOU with us and register the teams. This global-scale challenge offers exposure to students and colleges alike, proving beneficial for all involved. For more details, reach out to us at

Terms & Conditions

Each team can have between 3 and 5 members. 
Mentors are not mandatory, but teams can opt for one if necessary.
Participants will need to be present at UXINDIA24 to qualify for the final presentation. 
Design schools can opt for mentors from their faculty. Non-Design schools can request mentors from the industry.  
Submissions using copyrighted images or videos will be instantly rejected.   

Why You Should Participate

Meet Design Leaders And Venture Capitalists :

Get your concept reviewed by design leaders and venture capitalists attending UXINDIA24.

Launch Your Startup:

Win funding from top investors and seize a startup opportunity for your concept. 

Internship & Job Opportunity:

Win an internship or even a job with organizations and MNCs present at UXINDIA24.

Gain Entry to UX INDIA 24:

Attend UXINDIA24, expand your network and knowledge base.

Design With A Cause:

Join to innovate responsibly, shaping design solutions for societal well-being. 

Show Your Design-Forward Approach:

Showcase your innovative thinking and increase opportunities for your future professional growth through design thinking. 

Your Project Success is Assured with a Professional Design Mentor 

Design X Social invites colleges to register their teams for the contest. Registration through college administration ensures fairness, increasing the challenge for everyone involved. Students keen on participating should convince their college to sign a competition MOU with us and register the teams. This global-scale challenge offers exposure to students and colleges alike, proving beneficial for all involved.
For more details, reach out to us at 
Mentors are optional and will be provided only to teams that request one. 


Awards for each category

Best Design Award

Design Institutes
(3 awards, 1 for each vertical)
Best Design
Best Design
Best Design
Vertical III
Non-Design Institutes
(3 awards, 1 for each vertical)
Best Design
Best Design
Best Design
Prizes worth $6000 + awards

Innovation Pioneer (institute) Award

Design Institutes
(3 awards, 1 for each vertical)
Innovation Pioneer
Innovation Pioneer
Innovation Pioneer
Vertical III
Non-Design Institutes
(3 awards, 1 for each vertical)
Innovation Pioneer
Innovation Pioneer
Innovation Pioneer

Special Jury Award

Design Institutes
(1 award)
Special Jury Award
Non-Design Institutes
(1 award)
Special Jury Award

People’s choice award

Design Institutes
(1 award)
People’s Choice Award
Non-Design Institutes
(1 award)
People’s Choice Award

Best Mentor award

Design Institutes
(1 award)
Best Mentor Award
Non-Design Institutes
(1 award)
Best Mentor Award
6 Best Design awards, one award for each category 
2 Special Jury awards,
one award for each category 
2 awards for all categories, one award for each category 
2 awards for all categories, one award for each category 



A winning design must meet these criteria.

Note: UMO Design Mentors will be available to teams that need help with the design process and general project guidance

Problem Identified
Why is it an urgent/important problem? 
Design Innovation
How is this Design unique or innovative? 
User Experience
Does it deliver a simple, intuitive, and delightful UX?
Design Process 
Did it follow a proper design process? 
Impact on the Society 
How does it positively change the life of the target users? 
Is your solution long-lasting? Is it good for the planet? 
Practicality & Business Viability
How can your solution be executed and successful?
Video (not more than 3 minutes) 

Opportunities for Winners, Participants and Colleges

Winning project presentations will be shared on DesignX Social website, newsletter and social media platforms 
Awards certificate in PDF format 
Present your solution concept at India’s Biggest UX Design conference – UXINDIA24   
Connect and network with top design leaders, speakers, mentors, and organizations 
Secure the chance of getting your idea funded, regardless of whether it makes it to the final 15 teams. This opportunity is exclusively available to participants present at UXINDIA24.
Join UXINDIA24’s design educators panel and showcase your expertise  
Win prizes at the Design Innovator Institute to recognize your forward-thinking design approach.




College Signs MOU with UMO Design  


8th JULY

Registration Open


17th JULY - 17th AUG

Design X Social Competition



Submit and Promote Your Entry


18th SEP

Presentation | Winner Announcements Present at UXINDIA24


April 24 to May 24

Sign MOU and Form Teams

Before registering, it is essential that the college signs an MOU.  Each team can have between 3 and 5 members.  Mentors are not mandatory, but teams can request one or have one assigned from their faculty. 

8th July

Theme Reveal & Registrations
The Design X Social theme will be revealed on 8th July, guiding the concept development process. Submissions must align with this theme and fall under the three verticals shared alongside it. Registration opens on the same day, requiring participants to register their teams on our Design X Social website before submitting their entries.

17th July to 30th July

Identify the Problem
You have to complete all sections in the Google Slide template and share the completed Google slide deck here.
  • Describe the scenario.
  • Capture the problem.
  • Who is the target user?
  • When solved, how will it positively impact the target user?

31st July to 17th Aug  

Submit Your Entries 

Your proposed concept could be a digital/ software, a service, or a physical product that aligns with the theme of the contest. Update the solution section in the Google Slide deck with the following: 

  • How does your solution address the problem identified? (Use sketches, photos, video, etc.). 
  • Any alternatives you’ve considered – up to 2. 
  • How does it impact the target user(s)? 
  • Submit a video (max 3 minutes) that explains the problem and solution. You can share the drive link to access the video. 
  • The video will be uploaded on UMO Design’s YouTube channel for public voting. 

You will be provided feedback from our DesignX Social challenge team in case the problem needs more rethinking.

Participants must refrain from using copyrighted images, videos, slides or any other intellectual property. Any such instance would result in immediate disqualification.  

Aug 24 to Sep 24 

Voting and Jury 

Once your entries go live, it will be open for voting. Anyone can vote for the entries.

The submissions will also go through jury who’ll judge your entries on various criteria, some of which being

  • Design  
  • Accessibility  
  • Target Audience    
  • Usability  
  • AI Innovation 
  • Design Innovation  
  • And more. 

Date – 18 September 

Get Shortlisted and Present 

The names of the final 18 teams will be revealed at UXINDIA24 where they’ll get to present their entries in front of the judges.

Participants with selected submissions must be present at UXINDIA24 for the jury.

Design X Social participants can gain entry to UXINDIA24 with discounted tickets priced at INR 5499 per person, eligible for September 17th and 18th, 2024.

The final 18 teams selected by the offline jury will present their concepts at UXINDIA24 in front of a live audience and panel.

Each team will have a total of 10 minutes for this. The team must dedicate 7 minutes to present their idea and 3 minutes to answer any questions the jury may have.

Date – 18 Sep  

Win Awards 

Winners will be presented awards in the following categories: 

Best Design – 6 Prizes in all verticals (Design and Non-Design Institutes) 

Special Jury – 2 Prizes (1 Design and 1 Non-Design Institutes) 

People’s Choice – 2 Prizes (1 Design and 1 Non-Design Institute) 

Best Mentor – 2 Prizes (1 Design and 1 Non-Design Institute) 

Design Innovator Institute – 6 Prizes in all verticals (Design and Non-Design Institutes) 

Participate in the event

Finalize Members for your Team and Register 

Become a Mentor 

Make a difference with your experience, skills and expertise 

Sponsor the event

Make a difference with your experience, skills and expertise 

F A Q s

Design X Social is an annual social innovation challenge that aims to positively impact society by identifying and addressing global social, economic, and environmental issues with the Design. DesignX Social is one of UMO Design Foundation’s core events, built on UMO Design Foundation’s philosophy – “Good design for better living.”

Participating in Design X Social 24 is free for all teams. However, to attend UXINDIA24 and present your concept to the audience there, team members who will be presenting must pay a fee of INR 5499.
Each team can have between 3 and 5 members. If you are participating in design or non-design institute categories, there can be a maximum of 3 teams from the said college.
UXINDIA24 entry fee is applicable only to the teams that have made a submission and it’s qualified for the final jury and voting round.
Yes, this event is entirely virtual, allowing participants from anywhere to join but the participants must be present at UXINDIA24 on 17 and 18 September for the final results and presentation.
Absolutely! We believe in fostering creativity from all backgrounds. You’ll be assigned a Mentor who will guide your team through the process. You can also have your college design professor as your mentor. To request a Mentor, please email during your application submission.
You can use any tools that suit your team’s needs. We do not recommend any specific tools.
Yes, all participants who submit solutions to their identified problems will receive verifiable participation certificates and additional goodies from our partners.
No, this year Design X Social is a competition among colleges. For professionals, we’ll have another activity that aligns with their experience and skillsets.
Discounted tickets will be available for Design X Social mentors attending UXINDIA24. Professional mentors will receive a 50% discount for tickets valid on September 18, 19, and 20. Academic mentors’ fee is INR 5499, entitling them to entry on September 17 and 18.
Yes, you can attend UXINDIA24 through student discount tickets priced at INR 7999. These tickets grant you entry for the first two days of the conference on September 17th and 18th.